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Pulaski Schools to Offer Free Meals for Students

Pulaski Academy and Central School district is happy to announce that it will participate in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) through the New York State Education Department for the 2023-2024 school year.

Under the Community Eligibility Program, all students who attend Lura M. Sharp Elementary School or the Middle-High Schools are eligible to receive one complete breakfast and lunch per day at no charge during the upcoming school year. There will be a charge for extras such as a la carte items and additional milk, juice, or second meals.

We have attached a Household Income Verification Form that we ask all families to complete. This form is used to gather the data lost by not collecting free and reduced-price meal applications. Our eligibility for state aid, grants, and other funding sources rely on the collection of this information. If you need assistance filling out the form, please contact a building administrator or Cheryl Maxfield, Director of Food Service at the Middle-High School.

Income Verification Form for CEP