Office of the Business Manager
Welcome to the District and Business Office!
We are responsible for preparing accounting records and producing financial reports while ensuring that our school district complies with state and federal laws. At least monthly, we measure the expected outcome of all revenue and expense amounts to the actual amounts received and spent. Through this continuous monitoring process, we are able to make accurate revenue and expenditure projections, which is crucial for long-term planning in the district.
Each summer, the district is also audited by an external auditor. This process takes several weeks to complete. Financial records are reviewed and testing is performed in order for the auditor to attest that our financial statements are accurate. Completed audit reports can be found on the school website.
The Business Office utilizes a multi-year financial plan which includes revenue and appropriation projections, monitoring the tax cap calculation, and strategic use of reserves and fund balance. This type of planning allows the Board of Education and administrators to make thoughtful and informed decisions regarding district goals and priorities that have a lasting impact on the district.
Pulaski has a tradition of sound financial planning, and we take very seriously our obligation to safeguard the district’s fiscal health while providing a robust educational program for our children. The PACS Board of Education and administrative team will continue to communicate, collaborate, and be strategic with our resources to build a program that we can all be proud of.
District and Business Office
2 Hinman Road
Pulaski, NY 13142Sarah Starbird
Business Manager
315.298.5188, fax 315.298.4390Gina Brandano
District Clerk | Secretary to the Superintendent
315.298.5188, fax 315.298.4390Teresa White
District Treasurer
315.298.5188, fax 315.298.4390Erin Gallagher
School Registrar | Secretary to the Special Programs Office
315.298.5188, fax 315.298.4390Heather Coffman
Payroll Clerk | Accounts Payable
315.298.5188, fax 315.298.4390
Requisitions & Claim Forms
Medical & Dental Insurance Forms
Payroll Forms
ERS Application Form
Employees Retirement System Membeship Registration Form.pdf 179.49 KB (Last Modified on July 2, 2019)