Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

  • The purpose of the Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment program in the Pulaski Academy & Central School District is to provide the opportunities and resources necessary for teachers and students to focus on what matters most - teaching and learning. To that end, the District has developed goals for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development:

    1. Curriculum - Define and implement a guaranteed and viable PreK-12 curriculum that teaches essential knowledge and skills as well as creativity and critical thinking for the 21st century.
    2. Instruction - Increase student achievement and learning by engaging teachers as instructional leaders and deepen student understanding with effective strategies and tools for teaching and learning.
    3. Assessment - Improve instructional practice and learning outcomes with data-driven decisions, using both formal and informal assessments.
    4. Professional Development - Provide effective and focused professional development that ensures time and structure to implement district goals.

    To contact the us please call 315.298.5188.


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