Registration Information

  • This page provides you with information on registering children in the Pulaski School District. Registration forms may be downloaded, printed and completed prior to registering your children in person. Student registration takes place in the District Office located at the Lura Sharp Elementary School.

    The following documentation is required to begin the registration process:

    • Birth Certificate
    • Proof of Residency (copy of signed lease, utility bill, or tax bill)**
    • Parent/Guardian Driver's License or Photo ID
    • Custody Papers (if applicable)
    • Immunization Records / Physical (incoming Pre-K, K, or homeschool

    ** if you do not have proof of residency, please complete the attached residency questionnaire so we may determine if your child is eligible to enroll under the McKinney Vento Act.

    Students enrolling in Pre-K must be four years old by Dec. 1. Students enrolling in Kindergarten must be five years old by Dec. 1.


  • Erin Gallagher, Registrar
    Fax 315.298.4390

    Office Hours:
    September - June: M-F 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
    July & August: Please call for an appointment